To support the MoF of Ghana, in particular, the ESRD and its NRECC Unit to monitor and facilitate access to climate finance by national public Institutions, private sector and the CSOs.



  • Building the capacity of public officers from national Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on climate change finance tracking and mobilization.
  • Building the capacity of private sector and CSOs representatives on climate change finance reporting and mobilization.



  1. Analysis of the tools and approaches established for climate finance tracking in Ghana conducted.
  2. A manual for Ghana on how to access climate change finance is produced; and predefined in cooperation with the MoF.
  3. Training of 100 public servants (middle managers/technicians) on how to use the integrated MRV system for climate finance tracking has been conducted.
  4. Training of 60 CSOs and 50 private sector representatives on use of the climate finance tracking tools and how to access climate finance conducted.


Mr. Jonathan Gokah (Kasa Coordinator) giving his opening Remarks

Presentation in session

Presentation in session

A view of Participants

Group of Participants

Mr. Nana Yaw Mintah on his presentation

Group Discussion

Session for questions and answers


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